The Quarterly, March 2011

Compiled by Yami Hikari

Current Membership

  • Madame X - Matriarch
  • Herr Wulfsunus – Acting WebMaster/Gatekeeper
  • Alterra von Feuers – Intramural Relations
  • Lady Aislin Ni Morrighan - House DJ
  • Lady Sequanna – House Translator
  • Deacon Gray - Gatekeeper
  • Bholanath - Webmaster
  • Mistress NyxFury
  • Khan
  • Ezikiel Tempted
  • Sir Algernon

Current Dedicants

  • Yami Hikari, Dark Adora, Samandryel, and Richter Le Roux

Sites offered

Official House Site – offering Manifesto, Member Bios, Articles, Traditions, as well as a Discussion Forum for Members, Abbon, Donors and all interested.

House of the Dreaming Myspace Group - Splash-page, bulletins and forum.


Member Hosted

Madame X on MySpace

Madame X on Facebook

Madame X on YouTube

Serões da Quimera on Hi5

NJ Chapter of Bloodlines International on Yahoo

Herr Wulfsunus on MySpace

Herr Wulfsunus on Facebook

The Collective on YouTube

The Collective on

The Collective on MySpace

Deacon Gray on MySpace

Deacon Gray on FaceBook

The Graveyard Press

Sexual Vampires Ning Group

Dark / Spiritual / Wicked / Vampires FaceBook Group

Lady Aislin on MySpace

Lady Aislin on Facebook

Witchy Mom's Club Facebook Group


The Veil Shoppe

Vampyres of Savannah Group on MySpace

Kitra, Mradu, Ramkt Study Group on MySpace

Georgia Chapter of Bloodlines Group on MySpace

GA Chapter of Bloodlines on Yahoo

Savannah Goths Group on MySpace

Lady Sequanna on MySpace

Lady Sequanna on Facebook

Alterra Von Feuers on MySpace

Alterra Von Feuers on Facebook

Khan on MySpace

The Dark Nations Splash page on MySpace

Ezikiel Tempted on Myspace

Ezikiel Tempted on Facebook

The Dusty Grimoire

Somnium Homunculi Guild on Facebook

Somnium Homunculi Guild on MySpace

NyxFury on MySpace

NyxFury on Facebook

Mistress Fury's Discussion Group

Bholanath on Myspace

Bholanath on Facebook

Algernon on MySpace

Algernon on Facebook


Member Hosted in Portuguese

Serões da Quimera MySpace Profile

Serões da Quimera Orkut Profile

Serões da Quimera on Hi5


Collaborative Projects:

The Collective

House of the Dreaming in conjunction with Vampyre Lounge and with the participation of the Vampyre Society at-large is hosting an exciting video program called the Collective. It features a series of interviews with various Modern Day Vampires, Community Leaders, and other individuals. Each interview will be designed to independently focus on specific topics of community interest. House of the Dreaming and Vampyre Lounge are non-partisan in our approach and hope to provide as many perspectives as possible from all angles of community interest. If you or someone you know is interested in being featured on The Collective, contact Herr Wulfsunus at The Collective Videos can be found at:
The Collective on YouTube
The Collective on MySpace
The Collective on
The Vampyre Lounge


The Dark Nations

Dark Nations co-founded by Khan and Madame X is an exclusive collective of embassies and ambassadors gathered for the purpose of truthful information exchange, and project collaboration, intent on raising the bar on communication and conduct across the community at large. If you are part of a closed membership group that has an active core membership of three or more which has been active for over a year, and have a vested interest on improved communication and diplomatic community relations, you are welcome to join and establish an embassy at Dark Nations. Please contact us for more details at: The Dark Nations Splash Page on MySpace


News and Developments


The wheels of the year have turned once more and best wishes are sent out to Madame X and Lady Sequanna, may their birthdays have been joyous and filled with plenty of fun with prospects for a wonderful year ahead.

Facebook Mania

Three new groups have been unveiled on Facebook much to our excitement:
HotD Facebook Splash Page managed by Herr Wulfsunus, which makes avaliable House news, photos and information
Witchy Mom's Club Facebook Group managed by Lady Aislin, which provides pagan mothers creative information
Dark / Spiritual / Wicked / Vampires FaceBook Group managed by Master Deacon Gray, which focuses greatly on the dark and decadent Vampyre psyche and its religious aspects.

New Collective Videos

Madame X interviews Ezikiel Tempted member of House of The Dreaming, who discusses Otherkin philosophies and his perspectives on embodying the archetype.
Madame X interviews Master Deacon Gray also member of House of The Dreaming and owner of regarding sexual vampirism and Eros-Type vampires.

The Collective on YouTube
The Collective on MySpace
The Collective on
The Vampyre Lounge

Collective After Filming Party!

Hosted by Herr Wulfsunus, a collective after filming was thrown after a crazy amount of filmings were recorded for the collective. Madame X, Tengu, Samandryel, Myke Hideous, Kitty Hawk, Circie and Richter were all in attendance to share pizza, wine, and possibly absinthe. We have some great collective videos to look forward to!

Sound Bite

House of the Dreaming is proud to present Sound Bite, a newscast system by the community for the community.
We welcome Newsworthy Reports and Bulletins from all groups and individuals! These can include what the respective Organization sees fit to disclose, whether it be regarding its behind closed doors activity or encompassing more global aspects. Some other examples of newsworthy mentions would include: chat recaps, book releases, magazine features, newly initiated members, ascensions, birthdays, wedlocks, obituaries, newly formed groups/forums/guilds/courts, or the anniversary of such organizations, new education programs, fundraisers, charity work, and any other information that would serve to inspire and motivate the Vampire, Therian and Otherkin Community demonstrating the positivism, benevolence, work and effort put forth by our community on a consistent basis. The House only asks not to include ‘event announcements’ as these become quickly dated but instead request event recaps/reports/reviews, which serve as future reference and inspiration for the whole of the community. Note that the format for this newscast is an Audio-Podcast with Stills, so do send us at least one visual for each bulletin which should not exceed 250 words, and all must be first hand direct information. Please submit any News Bulletins for this program to the Dark Nations Administrators or to our Newscast Liaison, Adora:

Open Parlor

House of the Dreaming hosted a special Open Parlor on MSN on December 19 for members, dedicants, abbon, and friends to discuss various topics of common interest. Thank you all for your attendance and participation.

Annual NYC Vampyre Ball

Madame X and Herr Wulfsunus represented the house at the annual NYC Vampyre Ball on Febuary 14, and enjoyed the ball in the company Dedicant Samandryel, and many Abbon of the House. The Ball featured exceptional vendors, dance music, DJs and entertainment by Mystical Hips and Baron Misuraca.

Pagan Picnic in the Park and Dark Dinner

Lady Aislin hosted the third annual Pagan Picnic in the Park resumed Ostara weekend at Forsyth Park, Savannah, GA on February 26th. Events included an egg hunt, face painting, glitter stickers for children, and Frisbee at this all ages event. Lady Aislin capped off the day by hosting a Dark Dinner. The Dark Dinner is a monthly gathering of eclectic individuals for conversation, cheesy vampire movies, and delicious food. This all ages gathering, featured black and white movies, games for the kids, readings, and delicious Mediterranean cuisine.

Serões da Quimera (Portuguese Vampiric Guild) News:

Serões da Quimera introduces a new 24/7 social chat group on MSN Come and socialize with us real-time, any day any time!

Entry Application to the Guild is no longer mandatory! Simply join our New 24/7 social chat group on MSN

Conferences Presented:
December: “The Vampire and his world of Emotions” by Mefista Oria
January: “The Secret Society of the Vampire: Part 1” by Madame X
February: “The Secret Society of the Vampire: Part 2” by Madame X

Serões da Quimera on MySpace
Serões da Quimera on Hi5
Serões da Quimera on orkut
24/7 social chat group on MSN

Somnium Homunculi- Otherkin Guild News

S.:H.: prepares for a New Study Season beginning this April, 2011 with an open chat to all interested.

A simple application is available for all those wishing to participate in the Somnium Homunculi: Application

Get to know the Guild Founders on YouTube!
Study Group on the HotD Forum
Written overview
FaceBook Splash page
MySpace Splash Page


Dreaming Fun Fact

What do you call a group of Vampyres?
A Clutch – The smaller branches of a House are called Clutches, with the purpose of promoting socialization, ritual, education, or specific workings. To be considered a Clutch, this group must be located within a specific geographic area and be comprised of three or more Family Members


Hot Topics

These are the most sought after topics on our forums! This quarters three hottest topics are as listed below: "Is Lucifer a Woman?", "Sexual Bonds", "Vampyre Types"


Gatherings This Quarter


12/3 Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild chat Hosted by Madame X
12/19 HotD Open Parlor - HotD hosted an Open Parlor on MSN for all house members, dedicants, abbon, and friends.
12/20 Merry Yule
12/25 Merry Christmas


1/6 Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild chat Hosted by Madame X


2/3 Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild chat Hosted by Madame X
2/14 Annual NYC Vampyre Ball - Madame X and Wulfsunus in attendance with Dedicant Samandryel, as well as various Abbon and Friends of the Family.
2/26 Pagan Picnic in the Park Hosted by Lady Aislin at Forsyth Park, Savannah, GA, USA 2/26 Dark Dinner Hosted by Lady Aislin in Savannah, GA, USA 7-12 AM
2/28 The Collective Filming Party hosted by Herr Wulfsunus. Herr Wulfsunus, Madame X and Asif of Vampyre Lounge were joined by Dedicants Samandryel and Richter Leroux as well as Myke Hideous, Kitty Hawk, Cierce and Tengu at this lovely gathering and filming party.

Up and Coming:


3/3 - Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild chat Hosted by Madame X
3/20 - Communitas Gathering in NYC, hosted by Anthelios
3/25 - Dark Nations Ambassador Chat hosted by Khan and Madame X
3/26 - Vampire Masquerade Ball - Portland, OR, hosted by Lady Raven.


4/7 - Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild Open Chat
4/12 - Somnium Homunculi Otherkin Guild Chat - New Study Season begins Hosted by Madame X
4/29 - Dark Nations Ambassador Chat by Khan and Madame X


5/1 Beltaine!
5/5 - Serões da Quimera Portuguese Vampiric Guild chat Hosted by Madame X
5/19 - Somnium Homunculi Otherkin Guild Chat Hosted by Ezikiel Temped
5/27 - Dark Nations Ambassador Chat by Khan

Spotlight on:

The Idaho Clutch Vermillion Dream (Idaho)

Members include: Master Deacon Grey (Calmae), Alterra Von Feuers (Member), and Ezikiel Tempted (Member).


Of Goals and Milestones

On The Vampire Personality Disorder

by Lady Sequanna

In theory, something is pathological when it causes suffering. The fact that someone labels someone else with a diagnosis is not very important in my book unless that has a context. Anyone studying psych remembers the first psychopathology class, when just about everyone recognizes themselves in just about all the diagnoses. The symptoms are generally basic and not that revealing but the constellation of certain symptoms in a certain context is viewed as a certain disease. That said, not everyone diagnosed with this Vampire Personality Disorder will be what we would consider of a vampiric nature while some probably are. I don't know the criteria for this diagnosis so I can't say much about it, but one thing I can say: in my opinion the use of the term vampire and the widespread exposure of a mental illness associated with murder is likely to cause more confusion than it is to inform and help with the acceptance of vampyres. I am quite skeptical when it comes to sharing nightside natures with uninformed and uninterested mundane people anyway. I don't feel the need to do it and I don't see how it will make my life better or make the life of those around me better. I'm getting sidetracked though. My main point is that knowing about this Vampiric Personality Disorder will probably be useful and shed more light on personality disorders, criminal behavior and mental illness than what it will reveal about the vampyre community.